100% Satisfaction Guarantee







At Greenleaf, we are committed to providing you with the softest, most comfortable sleep products.

We truly value your satisfaction, and if for any reason you don't find our sheets to be everything we promise, don't worry! Just reach out to us within 60 days of receiving your products to request a return.  Please see our Return Policy for details.

We stand behind (and lay on top of) the quality of our products. If you come across any defects in materials or craftsmanship while using our sheets, please let us know, and we'll promptly provide a replacement. Our primary goal is to ensure you achieve the best possible rest and comfort while you sleep.

Please note that this guarantee is valid for the original purchasers or the first gift recipient. If replacements or exchanges are needed, they will be subject to availability. In the rare case that an exact product replacement is not available, rest assured that we'll do our best to offer you a comparable product, store credit or a full refund, which will not exceed the price you paid for your purchase.

Your satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities, and we want you to experience the joy of sleeping on the best sheets possible. If you ever need assistance or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help and ensure you have a wonderful sleep experience with Greenleaf linens. 

Sweet Dreams!